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Strangers at Home: The Asian and Asian American Professional Experience

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a marked increase in anti-Asian violence in the U.S., deeply impacting Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander (A/AA/PI) professionals. Our research shows that A/AA professionals aren’t getting the support they need. Strangers at Home: The Asian and Asian American Professional Experience uncovers the physical and psychological effects of racial violence and racism in the workplace, while identifying common microaggressions against A/AA employees that are often overlooked. This report finds that stereotyping A/AA/PI professionals are linked to a lack of leadership opportunities, leading to broken career paths for many. A whitepaper within the report explores the unique experiences of Pacific Islander employees, which are often lost when they are placed in the same group as Asian and Asian American colleagues. Finally, Coqual’s Audit, Awaken, Act framework provides employers with transformative solutions that will generate meaningful change and support career advancement for A/AA/PI professionals.

All of Coqual's full-length research reports are available with Task Force membership. Members of the media and scholars can request a review copy by writing to: [email protected]

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