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Being Black in the United Kingdom

Coqual examines the impact of systemic racism in the United Kingdom (UK) workplace, revealing the daily microaggressions and barriers to advancement that Black professionals face daily. While conversations about race and racism are happening, they are not translating into action, particularly for the Black community. Coqual’s study finds that Black professionals in the UK face a steeper climb than their colleagues recognize. Prejudiced attitudes and racism take many forms. Companies need to be aware of how these experiences affect Black professionals overall, while also considering intersectionality along lines of gender, heritage, or social class background. To help companies drive sustained, meaningful change, Coqual offers a framework — Audit, Awaken, Act — that provides steps companies can take to advance their DE&I work and build accountability throughout their ranks.

All of Coqual's full-length research reports are available with Task Force membership. Members of the media and scholars can request a review copy by writing to: [email protected]

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