Ella L.J. Bell Smith
Professor of Management Sciences, Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College
Ella L.J. Bell Smith is a professor of management sciences at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College. Previously she held appointments at the Belk College of Business Administration, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, and MIT’s Sloan School of Management. She has served on the faculties of Yale’s School of Organization and Management, and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. She was a visiting scholar-in-residence at the Bunting Institute (now known as the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study), a research center for women at Radcliffe College and Harvard University. Ella’s research has focused on the career advancement of all women and building their leadership capacity. She is considered by industry and the academy to be one of the leading experts in organizational change, and the management of race, gender, and class in organizational life. She has published widely in management journals, and is coauthor of Our Separate Ways and the author of Career GPS.
Ella received her PhD in organizational behavior from Case Western Reserve University.